Below are all the lecture topics that I’ve developed for various classes taught at the Center for Environmental Studies. For more information on these lectures, feel free to contact me directly at

The R Language

The following components focus on fundamental aspects of the R statistical language and should be applicable to anyone who is working with R on a regular basis.

Content lectures for R language materials.
Topic Connections
Character Data Video Slides Narrative Homework
Data Frames Video Slides Narrative Homework
Dates Slides Narrative Homework
Environment Video Slides Narrative
Factor Data Slides Narrative Homework
Lists Narrative
Matrices Narrative
Numerical Data Video Slides Narrative Homework
R Grammar Slides Narrative
Vectors Video Slides Narrative


Markdown is a tremendously powerful tool for bringing your data, your analyses, and the manner in which you communicate them into tigher collaboration. Learning markdown will make your life so much easier, you will wonder how you got along without it up until now… 😄.

Merge data, communication, and visualization into a single framework using RMarkdown and numerous extensions thereof.
Topic Connections
R Markdown Video Slides Narrative
Slides Slides

Visualizing Data

The ability to visualize data is one of the most fundamental components of data literacy. The following topics

Content lectures for visualizing data in R.
Topic Connections
Basic Visualization Video Slides Narrative
Ggplot Graphics Video Slides Narrative Homework
Leaflet Slides Narrative Homework
Plotly Narrative

Data Manipulation

This is where the rubber meets the road in data analysis. By far, the vast amount of effort we expend in our daily work is getting data into a format that makes sense to us, that can surface various insights, and be inserted into our analysis workflows.

These are methods based upon data manipulation, sensu lato.
Topic Connections
Functions Slides Narrative Homework
Iteration Narrative
Relational Data Slides Narrative Homework
Scraping Websites Narrative
Tidyverse 1 Slides Narrative Homework
Tidyverse 2 Slides Narrative Homework

Spatial Data

Here are some lectures that focus on spatial data components and how to manipulate it and extract components from it.

Content lectures for working with geospatially referenced data (points, lines, polygons, and rasters) in R.
Topic Connections
Buffers Masks and Extraction Narrative
Cartography Slides Narrative
Chloropleth Maps Narrative
Habitat Slides Narrative Homework
Rasters Slides Narrative Homework
Spatial Lines Slides Narrative
Spatial Points Slides Narrative Homework
Spatial Polygons Slides Narrative Homework
Spatial Statistics Narrative Homework

Statistical Models

Once we get the data and configure it properly, we can test specific hypotheses by the application of statistical models.

A broad collection of general statiatical models as applied to data in R.
Topic Connections
Anova Slides Narrative Homework
Clustering Narrative
Correlation Slides Narrative Homework
Ordination Slides Narrative
Regression Slides Narrative Homework
Statistical Inferences Slides Narrative


Here are some lectures that mix together some of the above activities that I’ve developed to teach a graduate and postgraduate workshop in Landscape Genetics based upon habitat analyses.

A series of lectures and activities focused on the spatial analysis of landscape genetic structure in R.
Topic Connections
Habitat Slides Narrative Homework
Network Models Slides Narrative Homework
Resistence Slides Narrative Homework


Here are some lectures on content that I’ve created to work with genetic data.

A series of lectures and activities focused on the spatial analysis of landscape genetic structure in R.
Topic Connections
Diversity Slides Narrative Homework
Population Genetics Slides Narrative Homework
Spatial Structure Slides Homework
Subdivsion Slides Narrative Homework

Intro Workshop

Here are some lectures that I gave in a 2-day workshop to new R users covering basic functionality focusing on tidyverse usage.

A series of presentations (and included activities) for a 2-day Introduction to R workshop for new users focusing on tidyverse.
Topic Connections
R Environment Slides Homework
Functions Strings Slides Homework
Numeric Dataframes Slides
Data Manipulations Slides
Dates Factors Slides
Visualizations Slides
Mapping Slides
Markdown Slides

This file last updated: Thu May 26 06:34:04 2022.