class: left, bottom background-image: url("images/contour.png") background-position: right background-size: auto # R Data Literacy ### Putting the .box-yellow[Fun] <br/>in Functional Programming [Dr. Rodney J. Dyer]( <p> </p> <p> </p> <img src="images/logo1.svg" width="400px"> --- class: sectionTitle # Rationale --- # Analytical Platforms - Old School .pull-left[ - Mastery required *a priori* - Limitless (mostly) - Steep learning curve ] .pull-right[ ![Blackboard](images/board.png) ] --- # Slightly less 'Old School' .pull-left[ ![The old VAX machine](images/220px-SPEC-1_VAX_05.jpg) ### SAS on VAX ] -- .pull-right[ ### Greenbar printout for days!!! ![Greenbar printout for days](images/greenbar.jpeg) ] --- # Analytical Platforms - Point & Click .pull-left[ - Mastery through discovery (*what does this do?) - Only supporting the most common implementations - Expansion boundaries - Tied to closed-source corporation ] .pull-right[ ![Blackboard](images/mouse.png) ] --- # Analytical Platforms - Analytical Languages .pull-left[ - Generalized Tools - Expandable by the User - Lower "barrier to entry" - Useful across many domains. ] .pull-right[ ![Blackboard](images/rstudio.png) ] --- class: sectionTitle # Why Analytical Languages --- class: center middle ![R Julia Python](images/R_Julia_Python.png) --- class: center middle ![Data Analyses & Manuscripts](images/data-analysis-manuscript.png) --- class: middle, center
--- # Linking Data & Narrative The spatial distribution of `\(N =\)` 1408 individuals were sampled from `\(K =\)` 29 sampling sites covering the entire known extent for *Araptus attenuatus* (Figure 2). The observed sex ratio (Females:Males) within each of the sampling locales varied considerably, ranging from a low of 0.455 to 1.68. -- ### 👇🏼 Acutal R Code + Narriative + Analysis Output ```r model <- glm( (Females / Males) ~ log(Suitability), data = araptus, family = Gamma() ) res <- summary(model) ``` Female beetles seem to be selecting locales in more suitable habitats (Figure `\ref{fig-habitat}`), which is consistent with a Gaussian log normal distribution (GLM; intercept = `res$coefficients[1,1]`; coef =` res$coefficients[2,1]`; P =` res$coefficients[2,4]`; Figure `\ref{fig-glm}`). This suggests that males who establish brood chambers at the margins of the species niche are actively selected against by maturing females. --- # Geospatial .pull-left[
] .pull-right[ ## Quick Visualizations R is the .box-grey[inverse] of ArcGIS. - In ArcGIS, you look at the map and then have to drill down to get to parts of the dataset. - In R, you start with the data and make a map if you want to visualize some aspect of the data. ] --- # Visualizations .pull-left[ <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png" width="504" /> ] -- .pull-right[ ### Grammar of Graphics ```r araptus %>% ggplot( aes(Suitability, (Females / Males)) ) + geom_smooth(formula = y ~ log(x), method=glm, se=FALSE, color="red", size=0.5) + geom_point() + xlab("Habitat Suitability") + ylab("Observed Sex Ratio (F/M)") + xlim( c(0,1) ) + ylim(c(0.25,1.75)) ``` ] --- class: middle, center ![](images/AppliedPopGen.png) --- # Getting R The canonical location for R is [CRAN](, which is the main site but has [mirrors]( sites located across the world. - Pick a site in close geospatial proximity to you. - Download the installer for your platform (Mac, Windows, Linux) - Follow the instructions on the installer for your particular platform. --- # Sufficent R Version? If you already have R installed on your computer, you may want to make sure it is up-to-date. The last time these slides were compiled (they are written in R as well), the version was: ```r version$version.string ``` ``` ## [1] "R version 4.1.2 (2021-11-01)" ``` To ensure you are able to complete all the activities in this class, please have at least this version on your computer. --- # Keeping Updated If you have a relatively recent version, we can make sure that the packages you already have are also updated by giving the following command. ```r update.packages(ask=FALSE) ``` --- class: sectionTitle # Interacting with R --- class: center middle # The Native `R` Interface ![](images/ --- class: center middle # R Via the Terminal ![R Terminal](images/R_Terminal.png) --- class: sectionTitle # RStudio --- # Using RStudio Cloud []( --- # Tour of the Interface RStudio is essentially a 4-paned browser. --- ## 15 Minute Activity 1. Explore RStudio: Open up `Tools → Global Options` and look through the various panes to familiarize yourself.<br/><br/><br/> 2. Change `General → Save Workspace to .RData on exit` to .red[NEVER] & uncheck `Restore .RData into workspace at startup` <br/><br/><br/> 3. In the `Pane Layout` options, set the top left to **Source** and the top right to **Console** <br/><br/><br/> 4. Explore the `Appearance` options and change the editor theme to suit your own tastes. --- # Projects - Data Integrity .pull-left[ One of the .red[most] important objectives for all analysts. - Localization of data - Consolidation of analyses - Promotes reuse of code - Reproducibility of output ] -- .pull-right[ `RStudio` uses the notion of *Projects*: - Localized on the operating system. - Quick switching between projects. - Customized settings (database connections, etc.) ] --- # 5 Minute Activity - Create Workshop Project 1. `File -> New Project` 2. Select `New Directory` 3. Select `New Project` 4. Place it in a **logical** place on your machine. 5. Move *all of your data sets* into this folder. --- class: sectionTitle # Usage Modality: Console vs. Files --- # Different Functions .pull-left[ The .red[console] is great for interacting directly with `R` for: - Quick operations - Prototyping - Refactoring operations - The Console is externally verbose ] -- .pull-right[ `R` can read input from different kinds of .red[files]: - Script files (.R) contain *pure* code. - Markdown documents (.Rmd) *mix* code and narrative together. - Reports (to pdf, docx, docbook, etc.) - Webpages (e.g., []( - Presentations (e.g., this presentation) - Data Dashboards - Interactive Notebooks (.Rmd) ] --- class: center, middle # Demo Data Localization -- Did you tell them about directionality? --- # Choice of Modality **Console** - When you have quick operations to do. -- **R Script** - When you are only code and/or functions to make, which may be called elsewhere (console or files). -- **Markdown** - When you are creating a narrative around data. --- class: middle background-image: url("images/contour.png") background-position: right background-size: auto .center[ # Questions? ![Peter Sellers](images/peter_sellers.gif) ] <p> </p> .bottom[ If you have any questions for about the content presented herein, please feel free to [submit them to me]( and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.]