class: middle background-image: url("background.png") background-position: right background-size: auto # .orange[Network Models] ### .fancy[The *One True* Representation] --- class: center, middle background-image: url("") background-position: center --- # Networks as a Metaphor Much of what we do in Landscape (and Popualation) Genetics can be considered as a set of network problems. Both genetic and ecological distances are commonly represented as distance matrices, which mathematically is also an adjacency matrix. - Between Sites connectivity `\(\to\)` gene flow. - Between Site separation `\(\to\)` spatial/ecological separation. - Source/Sink dynamics --- class: center, middle ![]( --- # Graph Components - Nodes .pull-left[ Definable sample locaions defined by sites, ponds, habitats, etc. - Nodes, Vertices, Points - .redinline[**AT**] site data - Spatially Relevant ] .pull-right[ ![]( ] --- # Graph Components - Edges .pull-left[ Connections between nodes. - Edges, arcs, links - .orangeinline[**BETWEEN**] site data - Spatially, ecologically, or topographically relevant. ] .pull-right[ ![]( ] --- # Graph Types ![]( --- class: center, middle ![]( --- # Graph Jargon ![]( --- # Graph Visualization A `layout` is a configuration of nodes in either 2- or 3-dimensional space. - Spatial - Based upon internal structure. --- class: center, middle ![]( ## This does exist --- # Basic Network Analysis in R .pull-left[ ![]( ] .pull-right[ ```r library( igraph ) A <- matrix( 0, nrow=5,ncol=5) A[1,2] <- A[2,1] <- A[1,3] <- A[2,3] <- 1 A[3,4] <- A[4,5] <- 1 rownames(A) <- colnames(A) <- c("X","Y","Z","W","U") A ``` ``` ## X Y Z W U ## X 0 1 1 0 0 ## Y 1 0 1 0 0 ## Z 0 0 0 1 0 ## W 0 0 0 0 1 ## U 0 0 0 0 0 ``` ] --- # Basic Network Analysis in R .pull-left[ ![]( ] .pull-right[ ```r G <- graph.adjacency( A, mode="directed" ) G ``` ``` ## IGRAPH 9e448f9 DN-- 5 6 -- ## + attr: name (v/c) ## + edges from 9e448f9 (vertex names): ## [1] X->Y X->Z Y->X Y->Z Z->W W->U ``` ```r vertex_attr( G ) ``` ``` ## $name ## [1] "X" "Y" "Z" "W" "U" ``` ```r edge_attr( G ) ``` ``` ## list() ``` ] --- ```r plot(G) ``` <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: center, middle # .red[Rule Based Networks] --- # Genetic Distance - A metric that can be used to describe pair-wise structure of populations. - Configured as a network, the topological shape of the network is a snapshot of structure. - Require specific rules for construction. --- # *Posidonia oceanica* - clonal seagrass .pull-left[ ![]( ] .pull-right[ ![]( ] --- # *Posidonia oceanica* - clonal seagrass ![]( --- # Threshold Connectivities .pull-left[ Edges are In/Out based upon geographic separation between sample locations. ] .pull-right[ ![]( ] --- # Topological Rules - Graph Metrics Perhaps these networks are defined by graph-construction algorithms, many of which have been sucessful in describing other network structures (internet, epidemoloigcal disease networks, etc.) In these models, the topological connections define the network connection rules. ![]( --- # Challenges to Rules-Based Networks Rules based networks require `someone` to decide on the rules. - Male intuition? - "Body of Knowledge"... -- Making .redinline[arbitrary] decisions about modifying your data based upon your own *intuition* or *body of knowledge* is suspect. - No matter what kind of *expert* you think you are in some system (with fancy papers to show off), your intuition is just a **guess**, nothing more. - Use **data**, **math**, and **experimentation** to verify the input into your models. -- To what extent doe the .redinline[mechanisms that influence realized connectivity for a species] sampled among different locations operate in a way that is aligned with a fancy graph-construction algorithm thought up by some mathematician? --- class: center, middle # .red[Population Graphs] ### .red[Statistical Based Topologies] --- # Model-Based Graph Construction - The raw data itself as valuable information about the *spatial distribution of genetic variation*. - The demographic processes that connect populations (or localles) is **exactly** the process that creates the genetic structure we observe. - Initiated by wanting to find a *post hoc* analysis on genetic structure statitics. --- class: middle, center ![]( --- class: middle, center ![]( --- class: middle, center ![]( --- class: middle, center ![]( --- class: middle, center ![]( --- class: middle, center ![]( --- class: middle, center ![]( --- # Non-Uniqueness of Structure A structure statistic such as `\(F_{ST}\)` is a very powerful tool for understanding connectivity. However, there are some topological concerns related to its non-reversability. ![]( --- class: middle, center ![]( --- .pull-left[ # *Lophocereus schottii* Shape of genetic connectivity. ![]( ] .pull-right[ ![]( ] --- # Conditional Graph Distance As Surrogate ![]( --- # Visualizing Topologies ```r library( popgraph ) data( lopho ) lopho ``` ``` ## IGRAPH 6af7beb UNW- 21 52 -- ## + attr: name (v/c), size (v/n), color (v/c), Region (v/c), weight (e/n) ## + edges from 6af7beb (vertex names): ## [1] BaC--LaV BaC--Lig BaC--PtC BaC--PtP BaC--SnE BaC--SnI ## [7] BaC--StR Ctv--PtP Ctv--SLG Ctv--SnF Ctv--SenBas LaV--Lig ## [13] LaV--PtC LaV--SnE LaV--SnF LaV--TsS Lig--PtC Lig--SnI ## [19] Lig--StR Lig--TsS PtC--SnE PtC--StR PtC--TsS PtC--SenBas ## [25] PtP--SnF PtP--SnI PtP--SenBas SLG--SnF SLG--SnI SnE--StR ## [31] SnE--TsS SnF--SnI SnI--StR StR--TsS StR--SenBas CP --Seri ## [37] CP --SG CP --SN CP --TS LF --PL LF --SG LF --SI ## [43] PL --SenBas PL --SG PL --SI PL --SN ## + ... omitted several edges ``` --- ```r plot( lopho ) ``` <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .footnote[ The default layout is based upon the *Fruchterman Reinghold* algorithm.] --- # Customizing Layouts - Topological Layouts .pull-left[ Projection onto 2-dimensional space based upon *spring* model of connectivity. ```r l <- igraph::layout.kamada.kawai( lopho ) head(l) ``` ``` ## [,1] [,2] ## [1,] -1.0095891 1.1397088 ## [2,] 0.1515580 0.8346170 ## [3,] -1.2728255 2.1898410 ## [4,] -1.4344552 1.8100753 ## [5,] -2.4123245 0.2252931 ## [6,] -0.1723895 0.8333827 ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r plot( lopho, layout = l ) ``` <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-7-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Customizing Network Plots .pull-left[ ```r plot( lopho, edge.color = "black", vertex.label.color = "darkred", vertex.color = "gray", vertex.label.dist = 2 ) ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-9-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Interactive Visualization .pull-left[ ```r library( networkD3 ) lopho.d3 <- igraph_to_networkD3( lopho, group=V(lopho)$Region) forceNetwork( Links = lopho.d3$links, Nodes = lopho.d3$nodes, Source = "source", Target = 'target', NodeID = 'name', Group = 'group') ``` ] .pull-right[
] --- # Visualizing Topologies - Spatially ```r data( baja ) lopho <- decorate_graph(lopho, baja) lopho ``` ``` ## IGRAPH 6af7beb UNW- 21 52 -- ## + attr: name (v/c), size (v/n), color (v/c), Region (v/c), Latitude ## | (v/n), Longitude (v/n), weight (e/n) ## + edges from 6af7beb (vertex names): ## [1] BaC--LaV BaC--Lig BaC--PtC BaC--PtP BaC--SnE BaC--SnI ## [7] BaC--StR Ctv--PtP Ctv--SLG Ctv--SnF Ctv--SenBas LaV--Lig ## [13] LaV--PtC LaV--SnE LaV--SnF LaV--TsS Lig--PtC Lig--SnI ## [19] Lig--StR Lig--TsS PtC--SnE PtC--StR PtC--TsS PtC--SenBas ## [25] PtP--SnF PtP--SnI PtP--SenBas SLG--SnF SLG--SnI SnE--StR ## [31] SnE--TsS SnF--SnI SnI--StR StR--TsS StR--SenBas CP --Seri ## [37] CP --SG CP --SN CP --TS LF --PL LF --SG LF --SI ## + ... omitted several edges ``` --- # Spatial Locations .pull-left[ ```r library( ggplot2 ) p <- ggplot() p <- p + geom_edgeset( aes(x=Longitude,y=Latitude), lopho) p ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-14-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Spatial Locations .pull-left[ ```r p <- p + geom_nodeset( aes(x=Longitude,y=Latitude), lopho) p <- p + coord_map() + xlab("Longitude") + ylab("Latitude") p ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-16-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Overlaying onto Other Features .pull-left[ ```r map_data("world", "mexico") -> map ggplot() + geom_polygon( aes(long,lat, group=group), data=map, fill="gray") + geom_edgeset( aes(x=Longitude,y=Latitude), lopho, color="gray40") + geom_nodeset( aes(x=Longitude,y=Latitude, color=Region, size=size, alpha=0.7), lopho) + coord_sf( xlim=c(-116,-109), ylim=c(22,35), crs = 4326) ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-18-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Leaflet Overlays .pull-left[ We can convert the node and edge sets into `sf` objects and then overlay them using the leaflet framework. ```r nodes <- to_sf(lopho, what="nodes" ) edges <- to_sf(lopho, what="edges" ) ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r head( nodes ) ``` ``` ## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 4 fields ## Geometry type: POINT ## Dimension: XY ## Bounding box: xmin: -114.72 ymin: 24.04 xmax: -109.99 ymax: 29.73 ## Geodetic CRS: WGS 84 ## name size color Region geometry ## BaC BaC 12.158810 #FDAE61 1 POINT (-111.79 26.59) ## Ctv Ctv 3.880886 #FDAE61 1 POINT (-114.72 29.73) ## LaV LaV 3.533757 #FDAE61 1 POINT (-109.99 24.04) ## Lig Lig 4.731355 #FDAE61 1 POINT (-111.27 25.73) ## PtC PtC 4.684652 #FDAE61 1 POINT (-111.15 24.19) ## PtP PtP 10.925375 #FDAE61 1 POINT (-113.9 29.03) ``` ```r head( edges ) ``` ``` ## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 2 fields ## Geometry type: LINESTRING ## Dimension: XY ## Bounding box: xmin: -113.9 ymin: 24.04 xmax: -109.99 ymax: 29.03 ## Geodetic CRS: WGS 84 ## # A tibble: 6 × 3 ## EdgeGroup Weight geometry ## <chr> <dbl> <LINESTRING [°]> ## 1 BaC-LaV 9.05 (-109.99 24.04, -111.79 26.59) ## 2 BaC-Lig 9.72 (-111.27 25.73, -111.79 26.59) ## 3 BaC-PtC 12.4 (-111.15 24.19, -111.79 26.59) ## 4 BaC-PtP 6.54 (-113.9 29.03, -111.79 26.59) ## 5 BaC-SnE 7.92 (-110.7 24.45, -111.79 26.59) ## 6 BaC-SnI 6.96 (-113.02 27.29, -111.79 26.59) ``` ] --- # Leaflet Map .pull-left[ ```r library( leaflet ) leaflet() %>% addProviderTiles( provider = providers$Esri.WorldImagery ) %>% addMarkers( data = nodes ) %>% addPolylines( data=edges, color="white" ) ``` ] .pull-right[
] --- # Connectivity & Intervening Habitat If the network captures much of the underlying connectivity network, then the habitat types that connectivity edges traverse may be indicative of preferendes in paths of gene flow. One way to test this while at the same time preserve any local habitat heterogeneity is to permute the edges. `\(H_O: Edges \; Random \; WRT \; Habitat\)` If this is true, then we should be able to permute edges across the landscape and `raster::extract()` the habitat types traversed. The set of observed ones should be just a random sample of the randomized ones **if and only if** the null hypothesis is correct. See the function `?randomize_graph()` on how you can randomize the edges in a network. --- # Ecological Edge Crossing ![]( .footnote[Dyer *et al.* (2012) [doi]( [pdf](] --- # Ecological Edge Crossing ![]( --- class: center, middle # .redinline[Popgraph Topolgical Features] --- # Topological Properties There are several different statistics measuring properties of nodes and edges. Here are some examples: - *Degree:* The number of edges connected to a node. - *Closeness:* Standardized distance from a node to other nodes (firestation). - *Betweenness:* Standardized distance from everywhere else to the node/edge (library). --- # Node-Specific Topological Features ```r degree( lopho ) ``` ``` ## BaC Ctv LaV Lig PtC PtP SLG SnE SnF SnI StR ## 7 4 6 6 7 5 3 5 5 6 7 ## TsS CP LF PL SenBas Seri SG SI SN TS ## 5 4 3 5 5 3 5 5 5 3 ``` ```r closeness( lopho ) ``` ``` ## BaC Ctv LaV Lig PtC PtP ## 0.003006606 0.003443042 0.002396129 0.002421674 0.002416570 0.003532856 ## SLG SnE SnF SnI StR TsS ## 0.003276693 0.002471779 0.003226610 0.003134548 0.003220898 0.002202304 ## CP LF PL SenBas Seri SG ## 0.002466197 0.002956398 0.003267921 0.003844318 0.002513050 0.002864214 ## SI SN TS ## 0.002918707 0.002702668 0.002430486 ``` ```r betweenness( lopho ) ``` ``` ## BaC Ctv LaV Lig PtC PtP SLG SnE SnF SnI StR ## 9 31 4 0 0 25 3 0 16 8 30 ## TsS CP LF PL SenBas Seri SG SI SN TS ## 0 2 0 92 98 1 32 15 0 0 ``` ```r eigen_centrality( lopho )$vector ``` ``` ## BaC Ctv LaV Lig PtC PtP ## 0.6687298120 0.0567830271 0.7013285708 0.8081182427 1.0000000000 0.1514600463 ## SLG SnE SnF SnI StR TsS ## 0.0347729211 0.6113445775 0.1620895869 0.3248050072 0.7041867362 0.7112031591 ## CP LF PL SenBas Seri SG ## 0.0007395873 0.0028570764 0.0598602506 0.3783327302 0.0005974582 0.0040620964 ## SI SN TS ## 0.0038824940 0.0054114197 0.0007822407 ``` --- class: center, middle ## .red[Draw it Dummy!] ###### .red[ ‐ Message from *Historical* Dyer to *Current* Dyer to Draw Graph Distance IBD] --- class: middle, center ![]( --- class: middle, center ![]( --- class: middle, center ![]( --- class: middle, center # .red[Topological Congruence] --- class: middle, center ![]( --- class: middle, center ![]( --- class: middle, center ![]( --- class: middle, center ![]( --- class: middle background-image: url("") background-position: right background-size: auto .pull-left[ ![]( ] .pull-right[ # 🙋🏻 Questions? If you have any questions for about<br/> the content presented herein<br/> now is your time. If you think of something later though, <br/>feel free to [ask me via email](mailto:// and I'll<br/> get back to you as soon as possible. ]