The analysis of mean values can be applied to single vectors of data, to pairs of data, and to a multitude of observed measurements.
The Data
For this homework, we are looking at the data from the Rice Rivers Center. Here we will be testing individual, pairs, and complete sets of mean values using t.test
and aov
values. Start by loading in the raw data using the function that you’ve already made to format it properly.
For the following questions, answer using statistics, graphs, tables, or whatever you need to properly address the question being asked. Make sure to specifically state which \(H_O\) you are actually testing.
Test the null hypothesis that the average overnight air temperatures (say between 7am & 7pm) on all Mondays in January & February were above freezing. Describe your results verbally with the aid of the statistics, visualization, or whatever you feel will help you make your point.
Are weekend water temperatures in February warmer than weekend air temperatures? Describe your results verbally with the aid of the statistics, visualization, or whatever you feel will help you make your point.
Are there differences in the average rain recorded each weekeay at the Rice Rivers Center? Describe your results verbally with the aid of the statistics, visualization, or whatever you feel will help you make your point.