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The questions below are intended to be answered by you trying out the code (e.g., typing it into the Console in RStudio) and then writing the answer under the question.
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1. Define Data: Insert a chunk and define two variables, \(N_A\) and \(N_B\), which define the number of samples taken from the field.
2. Inline R: Write a paragraph of text that mimics something like the methods section of a scientific paper where you indicate how many total samples were collected and how many were sampled from sites \(A\) and \(B\). These should be ‘in-line’ R code, use the variables directly.
3. Some Math: Consider Dr. Dyer’s need for fresh charcuterie in his life. Luckily, RVA has a spectacular butcher in Carytown, Belmont Butchery. Below are the coordinates for both Dyer’s office and the purveyor of fine products. Use your old friend, the pythagorean theorem to figure out the distance between these two points (n.b., I know degrees are not a good measure of distance but this is about you working on making equations). <- 37.5445796 <- -77.454640
lat.belmont <- 37.554462
lon.belmont <- -77.479170
meat_walking_distance <- sqrt( ( - lat.belmont)^2 + ( - lon.belmont)^2 )
4. Coerce the character representation of this very large number x <- "1.739275e+18"
into a numeric data type and take the natural logarithm.
5. How does R
represent the square root of -1?