class: left, middle, inverse background-image: url("") background-size: cover # .orange[Spatial Data] ### .fancy[Projections & Points
] --- class: bottom background-image: url("") background-size: 55% .footnote[ [Knight *et al.* (2005) *Nature*. **437**, 880-883.](] --- # Toblers First Law of Geography .blue[ > Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related to each other. ] -- .pull-left[ ### Physical Measurements - Location - Distance - Network - Neighborhoods & Regions ] .pull-right[ ### Emerging Properties - Spatial Heterogeneity - Spatial Dependence - Objects & Fields ] .footnote[[Tobler, W. R. 1970. *Economic Geography*, **46**, 234–240.](] --- class: sectionTitle, inverse # .orange[Projections] ## .fancy[Representing Location On .redinline[*This*] Planet.] --- # A Projection A projection is a mathematical mapping of points measured on this surface of this earth that can be represented on things like computer screens. .center[![Example]( ] --- background-image: url("") background-position: right background-size: auto background-color: #00013B # .blueinline[Earth == Lumpy <br>Bumpy Potato?] ## .redinline[Yes! - J. Ciminelli] --- # Ellipsoids Models of the physical structure of the surface of the planet. - NAD83/GRS80 - Satellite measurements of distance from core to surface of earth. - WGS84 - Model built on global GPS system. --- # Example Data - Maps For these examples, I'm going to be using the `maps` library<sup>1</sup>. .footnote[<sup>1</sup>If you do not have it, install it by `install.packages("maps")`.]For ```r library( ggplot2 ) library( maps ) states <- map_data( "state" ) head(states, n=3) ``` ``` ## long lat group order region subregion ## 1 -87.46201 30.38968 1 1 alabama <NA> ## 2 -87.48493 30.37249 1 2 alabama <NA> ## 3 -87.52503 30.37249 1 3 alabama <NA> ``` -- A basic map, notice the use of `group`. ```r ggplot( states, aes(x=long, y=lat, group=group) ) + geom_polygon( fill="lightgray", color="black", lwd=0.25) + theme_void() -> p ``` --- # Azimuth Projections .pull-left[ Projected onto a 2-dimensional plane that is tangential to a single point on the surface of the earth (commonly a pole, though not a necessity). ![Azequidistant]( ] .pull-right[ ```r p + coord_map( "azequalarea") ``` <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-3-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Cylindrical Projections .pull-left[ ```r p + coord_map( "cylindrical" ) ``` <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-4-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ Parallels are straight lines and horizontal up and down the plot from latitude = 0 .center[ ![]( ] ] --- # Conic Projections .pull-left[ Symmetric around the Prime Meridian and parallels are segments of concentric circles. ![]( ] .pull-right[ ```r p + coord_map( "conic", lat0 = 30) ``` <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-5-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: sectionTitle, inverse # .green[Datum] --- # Coordinate Systems The *Datum* are the coordinate system used on the ellipsoid. Common types include: - Longitude & Latitude - The East/West & North/South position on the surface of the earth. - Prime Meridian (0° Longitude) passes thorugh the [Royal Observatory](,_Greenwich) in Greenwich England, with positive values of longitude to the east and negative to the west. - Equator (0° Latitude) and is defined as the point on the planet where both northern and southern hemisphers have equal amounts of day and night at the [equinox]( (Sept. 21 & March 21). - Richmond, Virginia: 37.533333 Latitude, -77.466667 Longitude -- - Universal Trans Mercator - A division of the earth into 60 zones (~6°longitude each, labeled 01 - 60) and 20 bands each of which is ~8° latitude (labeled C-X excluding I & O with A & B dividing up Antartica). See image [here]( - Coordinates include Zone & band designation as well as coordinates in Easting and Northing (planar coordinates within the zone) measured in meters. - Richmond, Virginia: 18S 282051 4156899 --- # Functional Consequences -- .center[ .red[DATA NEED TO BE IN THE SAME ELLIPSOID & DATUM .red[FROM the BEGINNING]] ] --- class: sectionTitle, inverse # .blue[Points] --- # Beetle Data The Bark Beetle, *Araptus attenuatus*, is a Sonoran Desert endemic parasite that lives on within the plant *Euphorbia lomelii*. .pull-left[ ![Araptus attenuatus]( ] .pull-right[ .center[![Euphorbia lomelii](] ] --- # Sampling Sites ```r library( readr ) url <- "" read_csv( url ) %>% select( Site, Longitude, Latitude, everything() ) %>% arrange( Latitude ) -> data summary( data ) ``` ``` ## Site Longitude Latitude Males ## Length:31 Min. :-114.3 Min. :23.29 Min. : 9.00 ## Class :character 1st Qu.:-113.1 1st Qu.:24.95 1st Qu.:16.00 ## Mode :character Median :-112.0 Median :26.64 Median :21.00 ## Mean :-112.0 Mean :26.44 Mean :25.68 ## 3rd Qu.:-110.8 3rd Qu.:27.78 3rd Qu.:31.50 ## Max. :-109.3 Max. :29.33 Max. :64.00 ## Females Suitability MFRatio GenVarArapat ## Min. : 5.00 Min. :0.0563 Min. :0.5938 Min. :0.0500 ## 1st Qu.:15.50 1st Qu.:0.2732 1st Qu.:0.8778 1st Qu.:0.1392 ## Median :21.00 Median :0.3975 Median :1.1200 Median :0.2002 ## Mean :23.52 Mean :0.4276 Mean :1.1598 Mean :0.2006 ## 3rd Qu.:29.00 3rd Qu.:0.5442 3rd Qu.:1.3618 3rd Qu.:0.2592 ## Max. :63.00 Max. :0.9019 Max. :2.2000 Max. :0.3379 ## GenVarEuphli ## Min. :0.0500 ## 1st Qu.:0.1777 ## Median :0.2171 ## Mean :0.2203 ## 3rd Qu.:0.2517 ## Max. :0.5122 ``` --- # A Simple Map - Leaflet .pull-left[ The `leaflet` library allows you to make quick, interactive maps. ```r library( leaflet ) data %>% mutate( Label = paste( "Site:", Site, "<hr>\nFemales:", Females, "<br>Males: ", Males, "<br>Suitability:", Suitability) ) %>% leaflet() %>% addMarkers( ~Longitude, ~Latitude, popup = ~Label ) %>% addProviderTiles( "OpenTopoMap" ) ``` ] .pull-right[
] --- # The Simple Features (`sf`) library. .orangeinline[Simple Features] are an open standard developed by the Open Geospatial Consortium ([OGC]( They define the following basic types: .pull-left[ ### Basic Geometry Types - POINT - LINESTRING - POLYGON ] -- .pull-right[ ### Corresponding 'multi' versions - MULTIPOINT - MULTILINESTRING - MULTIPOLYGON - GEOMETRYCOLLECTION ] Each of these basic types can be represented within a column of a `data.frame`. --- # Setting `sf` objects To convert from a normal `data.frame` with columns of numerical values to an `sf` object, you .redinline[**must**] indicate: - Names of the `x` and `y` coordinates, and - A reference to the Coordinate Reference System ```r data %>% st_as_sf( coords=c("Longitude","Latitude"), crs=4326 ) -> data head( data ) ``` ``` ## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 7 fields ## Geometry type: POINT ## Dimension: XY ## Bounding box: xmin: -110.951 ymin: 23.2855 xmax: -109.8507 ymax: 24.21441 ## Geodetic CRS: WGS 84 ## # A tibble: 6 × 8 ## Site Males Females Suitability MFRatio GenVarArapat GenVarEuphli ## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 Aqu 12 9 0.722 1.33 0.120 0.0968 ## 2 73 11 5 0.146 2.2 0.137 0.253 ## 3 157 26 30 0.881 0.867 0.150 0.191 ## 4 153 35 41 0.732 0.854 0.333 0.276 ## 5 163 21 21 0.433 1 0.298 0.338 ## 6 48 18 27 0.620 0.667 0.115 0.213 ## # … with 1 more variable: geometry <POINT [°]> ``` --- background-image: url(" background-size: cover --- # Reprojecting Points We can reproject data (that **already** has a coordinate reference system) into any other projection. ```r data %>% st_transform( 6372 ) %>% st_bbox() ``` ``` ## xmin ymin xmax ymax ## 1307745 1274010 1773676 1968473 ``` --- class: sectionTitle, inverse # .red[Plotting `sf` Objects] --- .pull-left[ # Plotting `sf` Objects Eash of the data columns are associated with the `geometry` column we made. If we plot the whole `data.frame`, it makes replicate plots of each data column displayed in the coordinate space of the `geometry`. - Color will represent gradient in values for each plot. - Normal `plot()` parameters can be used to customize. ] -- .pull-right[ ```r plot( data , pch=16, cex=2) ``` <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-11-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Linked data and `geometry` .pull-left[ ```r plot( data$Suitability, pch=16, cex=2, bty="n" ) ``` <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-12-1.png" width="432" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ ```r plot( data["Suitability"], pch=16, cex=2) ``` <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-13-1.png" width="432" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Hello `ggplot` My Old Friend ```r ggplot( data ) + geom_sf( aes(size=Suitability) ) ``` <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-14-1.png" width="432" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- .pull-left[ # GGPlot and Labels ```r ggplot( data ) + geom_sf_label( aes(label=Site)) + theme_void() + coord_map() ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-16-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- class: sectionTitle, inverse # .blue[ Map Overlays 🗺] ## .fancy[Making it look better] --- # Maps As with other `ggplot` activities, we can mix the data being plot by changing `data` and `aes` mappings. .pull-left[ Grab the Mexico map data like before. ```r map_data("world") %>% filter( region == "Mexico") -> map ggplot( ) + geom_polygon( aes( x=long, y=lat, group=group ), data=map, fill="grey" ) + geom_sf( data=data, aes(color=Suitability), size=2) + xlab("Longitude") + ylab("Latitude") + theme_bw( base_size = 12 ) + coord_sf( xlim = c(-115, -105), ylim = c(20, 30) ) ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-18-1.png" width="432" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Natural Earth .pull-left[ <img src="slides_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-19-1.png" width="504" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ Loading `sf` object for background map from `naturalearth` libraries and then plotting. *Notice:* `xlim` and `ylim` are configured withing `coord_sf()`. ```r library( rnaturalearth ) library( rnaturalearthdata ) world <- ne_countries( scale = "medium", returnclass = "sf") ggplot() + geom_sf( data=world ) + geom_sf( data=data, aes(color=Suitability)) + coord_sf( xlim = c(-115, -105), ylim = c(20, 30) ) + xlab("Longitude") + ylab("Latitude") ``` ] --- class: sectionTitle, inverse # .green[Spatial Operations] ## .fancy[What can we do with this now?] --- # Geospatial Operations ### aka the `Spatial Toolbox` Once the data are in `sf` features, there are a lot of different spatial operations that we can use, including: .pull-left[ - Finding the bounding box ```r data %>% st_bbox() ``` ``` ## xmin ymin xmax ymax ## -114.29353 23.28550 -109.32700 29.32541 ``` - Finding the convex hull ```r data %>% st_union() %>% st_convex_hull() -> hull ``` ] -- .pull-right[ - Estimating its centroid & and area. ```r hull %>% st_centroid() ``` ``` ## Geometry set for 1 feature ## Geometry type: POINT ## Dimension: XY ## Bounding box: xmin: -111.3417 ymin: 26.37741 xmax: -111.3417 ymax: 26.37741 ## Geodetic CRS: WGS 84 ``` ```r library( units ) hull %>% st_area() %>% set_units( km^2 ) ``` ``` ## 122130.5 [km^2] ``` ] --- class: middle background-image: url("images/contour.png") background-position: right background-size: auto .center[ # 🙋🏻♀️ Questions? ![Peter Sellers]( ] <p> </p> .bottom[ If you have any questions for about the content presented herein, please feel free to [submit them to me](mailto:// and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.]