class: left, bottom, inverse, overlay background-image: url("") background-size: cover # .orange[Leaflet] ### .fancy[Making Interactive Maps that Don't Suck
] <img src="" width="640px" style="display: block; margin: auto auto auto 0;" /> --- .center[ ![](] .pull-left[ ### Provides: - Uniform interface - Many entry points (R, JavaScript, Python, HTML, etc.) - Variety of Map Types - Completely User Interactive ] .pull-right[ ![]( ] --- # Map Making Workflow I'd make flow diagram here to go through basic steps. Define what each does in the background. 1. Get data - 2. Make base map - `leaflet()` function creates widget for map and all javascript 3. Define Region - `setVeiw()` can be used to define the `bbox()` 4. Add Tiles - `addTiles()` or `addProviderTiles()` downloads map tiles 5. Overlay Markers - `addMarkers()` make your points 6. Overlay Rasters - 7. Set Fancy Stuff - -- 8. There is no step 8 🎉 !!!!! --- class: sectionTitle, inverse # .green[Basic Map Parts] ### .fancy[The foundation parts
] --- # The Base Map .pull-left[ ```r leaflet() ``` ] .pull-right[
] --- # Adding Default Tiles Open Street Map .pull-left[ ```r leaflet() %>% setView(lng = -77.5, lat = 37.5, zoom = 10) %>% addTiles() ``` ] .pull-right[
] --- # Setting a Boundary ViewPort .pull-left[ ```r leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% setView(lng = -77.5, lat = 37.5, zoom = 10) ``` ] .pull-right[
] --- # Tile Providers There are some really interesting Tile Providers that we can use by replacing ```r addTiles() ``` with ```r addProviderTiles( providers$Name ) ``` where `Name` can be any of the items found [here]( .redinline[ <-- click on this] --- # Example Provider Tiles - OpenTopoMap
--- # Example Provider Tiles - ESRI World Topo
--- # Example Provider Tiles - Watercolor
--- # Example Provider Tiles - ESRI Satelite
--- # Example Provider Tiles - ESRI World Shaded Relief
--- # Example Provider Tiles - Earth At Night
--- # Example Provider Tiles - NASA Daily Composite Imagry
--- # Example Provider Tiles - Combining Tiles .pull-left[ ```r provider <- providers$Stamen.Watercolor labels <- providers$CartoDB.VoyagerOnlyLabels leaflet() %>% setView(lng = -77.5, lat = 37.5, zoom = 6) %>% addProviderTiles(provider) %>% addProviderTiles(labels) ``` ] .pull-right[
] --- class: sectionTitle, inverse # .green[Adding Data] ### .fancy[Increasing Information Content] --- # The Data To add components to the leaflet map, you need to get the data up and ready. For this, we'll go back to the enigmatic Bark Beetle data set. ```r library( sf ) library( tidyverse ) url <- "" read.csv(url) %>% st_as_sf( coords=c("Longitude","Latitude"), crs=4326 ) -> beetles head( beetles ) ``` ``` ## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 7 fields ## Geometry type: POINT ## Dimension: XY ## Bounding box: xmin: -114.2935 ymin: 24.00789 xmax: -109.327 ymax: 29.32541 ## Geodetic CRS: WGS 84 ## Site Males Females Suitability MFRatio GenVarArapat GenVarEuphli ## 1 32 40 27 0.0563 1.4815 0.1436067 0.21851990 ## 2 73 11 5 0.1455 2.2000 0.1373044 0.25346790 ## 3 93 25 21 0.1627 1.1905 0.1630808 0.13252030 ## 4 const 18 11 0.1744 1.6364 0.2803589 0.23475780 ## 5 159 22 15 0.1880 1.4667 0.1598019 0.08087207 ## 6 88 23 18 0.2186 1.2778 0.2661293 0.17557170 ## geometry ## 1 POINT (-109.327 26.63783) ## 2 POINT (-109.8507 24.00789) ## 3 POINT (-112.0461 26.94589) ## 4 POINT (-111.675 25.0247) ## 5 POINT (-113.3161 27.52944) ## 6 POINT (-114.2935 29.32541) ``` --- # Data for `leaflet` Both `leaflet()` and each map layer have a data = parameter. Spatial data can be in the form of: - `dataframe` with lat/lng columns - `sp` objects - `sf` objects - `maps` package `map()` objects Data can be passed through the `leaflet()` function or through the map layers. --- .pull-left[ # Shapes (Circles, Lines & Polygons) ```r leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% addCircles( data=beetles ) ``` Note: Circles scale with the map ] .pull-right[
] --- .pull-left[ # Map Circles - size ```r leaflet(beetles) %>% addTiles() %>% addCircles( radius = ~Males *500, stroke = FALSE, fillOpacity = .5) ``` Note: The `beetles` are put in the `leaflet` call (just like `ggplot()`) so that we can access the `Males` column of data. ] .pull-right[
] --- .pull-left[ # Map Circles - color ```r pal <- colorNumeric( palette = "RdBu", domain = beetles$MFRatio, reverse = TRUE ) leaflet(beetles) %>% addTiles() %>% addCircles(color = ~pal(MFRatio), fillOpacity = .7, radius = 15000, stroke = FALSE) ``` Note: Our palette is defined before hand using `colorNumeric()` and stored as `pal` ] .pull-right[
] --- # Legends `addLegend()` .pull-left[ ```r pal <- colorNumeric( palette = "RdBu", domain = beetles$MFRatio, reverse = TRUE) leaflet(beetles) %>% addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>% addCircles( fillColor = ~pal(MFRatio), fillOpacity = .7, radius = 15000, weight = 1, color = "grey") %>% addLegend(pal = pal, values = ~MFRatio, title = "Male to Female Ratio") ``` ] .pull-right[
] --- .pull-left[ # Map Markers ```r leaflet() %>% addTiles() %>% addMarkers( data=beetles ) ``` Note: Markers stay the same size regardless of zoom level ] .pull-right[
] --- # Custom Markers We can put any custom image onto the `leaflet` map. ```r bug <- icons( iconUrl = "", iconWidth = 20, iconHeight = 20 ) ``` - You can you images from a url or from your computer --- .pull-left[ # Bugs! ```r leaflet(beetles) %>% addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>% addMarkers(icon = bug) ``` Notice: - Data added to the `leaflet()` function call - Custom provider tiles - Icon set in the `addMarkers()`[^1] [^2] - Can also use [fontawesome icons]( ] .pull-right[
] ^[1:] Technically, beetles .redinline[**are not**] bugs... Charis ^[2:] Sorry!🤦 --- # Lables & Annotations .pull-left[ In addition to the symbology, we can define a wide range of content to be associated with each marker. ```r leaflet(beetles) %>% addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>% setView(lng = -111, lat = 25, zoom = 7) %>% addPopups(lng = -111, lat = 25, paste0("beetles live here")) ``` ] .pull-right[
] --- # Pop-ups .pull-left[ ```r fa_bug <- makeAwesomeIcon(icon = "bug", library = "fa", markerColor = "cadetblue", iconColor = "beige") leaflet(beetle) %>% addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>% addAwesomeMarkers(icon = fa_bug, popup = paste0("Site:", beetle$Site)) ``` ] .pull-right[
] --- # Labels .pull-left[ ```r leaflet(beetles) %>% addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>% addAwesomeMarkers(icon = fa_bug, label = paste0("Site:", beetles$Site)) ``` ] .pull-right[
] --- class: sectionTitle, inverse # .green[Interactivity] ### .fancy[Making Maps Fun Since 2021!] --- # Interactivity ```r leaflet(beetles) %>% addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>% addCircles( fillColor = ~rev(pal(MFRatio)), fillOpacity = .7, radius = 15000, weight = 1, color = "grey", highlightOptions = highlightOptions( color = "green", weight = 2, bringToFront = TRUE)) ``` -- - Setting colors by previous palette - Defining fixed size (units defined by projection - in this case `crs = 4326` has its length unit in meters) - Interactive context is defined by `hightlightOptions` --- class: center, middle
--- # Map Groups Items on the map may be grouped together and added (layer by layer) using their own data sets. ```r males <- beetles %>% filter( Males > Females) females <- beetles %>% filter( Females > Males) leaflet() %>% addProviderTiles( providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>% addCircles(data = males, fillColor = "lightblue", fillOpacity = 1, color = "blue", radius = 10000, weight = 1, group = "males") %>% addCircles(data = females, fillColor = "pink", fillOpacity = 1, color = "red", radius = 10000, weight = 1, group = "females") %>% addLayersControl(overlayGroups = c("males", "females"), options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE)) ``` --- # Clickable Goodness
--- # Interactivity in Map Tile Provider ```r leaflet() %>% addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron, group = "Default") %>% addProviderTiles(providers$OpenStreetMap, group = "Open Street Maps") %>% addProviderTiles(providers$Stamen.Toner, group = "Stamen Toner") %>% addCircles(data = males, fillColor = "lightblue", fillOpacity = 1, color = "blue", radius = 10000, weight = 1, group = "males") %>% addCircles(data = females, fillColor = "pink", fillOpacity = 1, color = "red", radius = 10000, weight = 1, group = "females") %>% addLayersControl(overlayGroups = c("males", "females"), options = layersControlOptions(collapsed = FALSE), baseGroups = c("Default", "Open Street Maps", "Stamen Toner")) ``` --- .pull-left[
] .pull-right[ - Note the difference between `overlayGroups` and `baseGroups` ] --- # On and Off By Zoom We can also have components of the map be active at different `zoom` levels. ```r leaflet(beetles) %>% addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>% addCircles( fillColor = "lightblue", fillOpacity = 1, color = "blue", radius = 10000, weight = 1, group = "beetles") %>% groupOptions( "beetles", zoomLevels = 5:8) ``` Notice that the behavior of the `group` defined in `addCircles` can have it's own options set. Here the visibility is defined by the zoom levels. ---
Zoom in/out to see may layer appear/disappear --- # Clustering There are times when you may want to *coalesce* markers together when you zoom out. You can do this ```r leaflet(beetles) %>% addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>% addCircleMarkers(fillColor = "lightblue", fillOpacity = 1, color = "blue", weight = 1, group = "beetles", clusterOptions = markerClusterOptions( showCoverageOnHover = FALSE,)) ``` --- # Clustering
--- # Legends & Scale Bars `addLegend()` `addScaleBar()` ```r leaflet(beetle) %>% addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB.Positron) %>% addCircles(fillColor = ~pal(MFRatio), fillOpacity = .7, radius = 15000, weight = 1, color = "grey") %>% addLegend(pal = pal, values = ~MFRatio, title = "Male to Female Ratio") %>% addScaleBar(position = "bottomright") ``` ---
--- # Additional Layer Options So we've covered some items here but there are many more available. Here is a list of some common ones: - `addControl`: Add arbitrary HTML controls to the map - `addTiles`: Add a tile layer to the map - `addWMSTiles`: Add a WMS tile layer to the map - `addPopups`: Add popups to the map - `addMarkers`: Add markers to the map - `addLabelOnlyMarkers`: Add Label only markers to the map - `addCircleMarkers`: Add circle markers to the map - `highlightOptions`: Options to highlight a shape on hover - `addCircles`: Add circles to the map - `addPolylines`: Add polylines to the map - `addRectangles`: Add rectangles to the map - `addPolygons`: Add polygons to the map - `addGeoJSON`: Add GeoJSON layers to the map - `addTopoJSON`: Add TopoJSON layers to the map --- # Web Mapping Services A Web Mapping Service is a some geospatial information that is provided to you as the user from some server on the web. You can use these as data input in ESRI ArcMap as a data sources, as a data provider for `R` or as an overlay for this leaflet. To do this, we use the `addWMSTiles()` function and we need to give it the following parameters: - Where to get the WMS tiles from - What layer to use (these are often shape-file like things). - Some options - Add some attributions to your map as text at the bottom. --- # Real-Time Weather Overlay .pull-left[ This service is provided by the Iowa Environmental Mesonet servers at Iowa State University. ```r leaflet() %>% setView(lng = -77.5, lat = 37.5, zoom = 4) %>% addProviderTiles( providers$Esri.WorldShadedRelief ) %>% addWMSTiles( "", layers = "nexrad-n0r-900913", options = WMSTileOptions(format = "image/png", transparent = TRUE), attribution = "Weather data © 2012 IEM Nexrad" ) ``` ] .pull-right[
] --- class: middle ##`leaflet.extras` There are more interactive components you can add to the map from the `leaflet.extras` package including: - Geocoded search fields - Interactive drawing components - Pulsing icons Examples are found in the [narrative](narrative.nb.html) associated with this lecture topic. --- class: middle background-image: url("images/contour.png") background-position: right background-size: auto .center[ .red[Questions?] ![Dog]( ] <p> </p> .bottom[ If you have any questions for about the content presented herein, please feel free to [submit them to me](mailto:// and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.]