A short description of the post.
Working on some code and was having a tough time configuring the color palette in GGally since it does not produce a ggplot object. It appears to be a larger problem. So, here is one hack, redefine the ggplot function and change the default palette there. Need to make a dyerlab::palette now…
ggplot <- function(...) ggplot2::ggplot(...) + scale_color_brewer(palette="Set1") unlockBinding("ggplot",parent.env(asNamespace("GGally"))) assign("ggplot",ggplot,parent.env(asNamespace("GGally"))) require(GGally)
ggpairs(df,columns = 3:7,axisLabels="none",color="color")
For attribution, please cite this work as
Dyer (2015, March 26). The Dyer Laboratory: Color palettes in ggpairs. Retrieved from https://dyerlab.github.io/DLabWebsite/posts/2015-03-26-color-palettes-in-ggpairs/
BibTeX citation
@misc{dyer2015color, author = {Dyer, Rodney}, title = {The Dyer Laboratory: Color palettes in ggpairs}, url = {https://dyerlab.github.io/DLabWebsite/posts/2015-03-26-color-palettes-in-ggpairs/}, year = {2015} }