A short description of the post.
Jameson successfully defended his MS Thesis on eDNA techniques for identification of Atlantic Sturgeon. Jameson is now the twelfth graduate student to pass through the lab. It was great having him here and we look forward to seeing where he goes from here. Way to go!
For attribution, please cite this work as
Dyer (2015, July 28). The Dyer Laboratory: Congratulations to Jameson Hinkle. Retrieved from https://dyerlab.github.io/DLabWebsite/posts/2015-07-28-congratulations-to-jameson-hinkle/
BibTeX citation
@misc{dyer2015congratulations, author = {Dyer, Rodney}, title = {The Dyer Laboratory: Congratulations to Jameson Hinkle}, url = {https://dyerlab.github.io/DLabWebsite/posts/2015-07-28-congratulations-to-jameson-hinkle/}, year = {2015} }