A short description of the post.
Fancy pie chart (thanks, yihui, you are a genius):
par(mar = c(0, 1, 0, 1)) pie( c(280, 60, 20), c('Sky', 'Sunny side of pyramid', 'Shady side of pyramid'), col = c('#0292D8', '#F7EA39', '#C4B632'), init.angle = -50, border = NA )
For attribution, please cite this work as
Dyer (2017, Feb. 20). The Dyer Laboratory: R Post of the Day. Retrieved from https://dyerlab.github.io/DLabWebsite/posts/2017-02-20-r-post-of-the-day/
BibTeX citation
@misc{dyer2017r, author = {Dyer, Rodney}, title = {The Dyer Laboratory: R Post of the Day}, url = {https://dyerlab.github.io/DLabWebsite/posts/2017-02-20-r-post-of-the-day/}, year = {2017} }