Another take at moving old markdown content to a new platform. While markdown is supposed to be universal, the kinds of meta data assocaited with it in certain systems is a bit wonky and forces us to do some magic. Here I take a less retentive approach than what I did moving manuscript entries over since I do not have to maintain as much meta-data about each post.
OK, now that I have moved over most of the manuscripts from the previous site, it comes time to move over some of the older posts. Many of these posts are important as there is code and data associated with them that I’d like to have access to going forward.
Like before, however, there is some futzing around that needs to be done. However, this time, I took a different appraoch. I was less concerned about keeping the category information and all of them were authored by myself, so what I did was:
using that date and
to concatenate onto the end of a file on the filesystem? I didn’t!).So here is the basic code I used for it.
rm(list = ls())
library( distill )
library( stringr )
files <- list.files(
path = "old_posts",
pattern = "index.Rmd",
recursive = TRUE,
full.names = TRUE
for (file in files) {
lines <- readLines(file)
# find the date
idx <- grep( "date: ", lines, fixed = TRUE)
date <- ""
if (length(idx) == 1) {
date <- str_sub( lines[idx], 7, 16)
# Find the second --- and put in the output type
idx <- grep("---", lines, fixed = TRUE)
content <- ""
lines <- c(lines, " ", " ", " ")
if (length(idx) == 2) {
content <- paste( lines[ (idx[2]+1):length(lines) ] ,
collapse = "\n")
# find the title
idx <- grep("title: ", lines, fixed=TRUE )
title <- "No Title"
if( length(idx)>0 ) {
title <- str_trim( gsub('[[:punct:] ]+',
" ",
str_remove(lines[idx], "title: ")))
ofile <- str_replace_all( tolower(title),
pattern=" ",
replacement = "-" )
nfile <- paste(date, ofile, sep="-")
path <- paste("_posts/",
".Rmd", sep="")
if( !file.exists(path) ) {
distill::create_post( title[1],
date = date,
edit = FALSE)
cat( content,
file = path,
But the problem is that when we use distill::createpost()
, it puts in the following default content into the markdown. And then I just appended the original content onto the end of it.
So I did a quick global search and replace using my favorite TextMate and then ran the following code to render it all out and looking good.
for( file in list.files(path="_posts/",
pattern = "*.Rmd",
recursive = TRUE,
full.names = TRUE) ) {
rmarkdown::render( file )
For attribution, please cite this work as
Dyer (2021, Dec. 14). The Dyer Laboratory: Moving Old Markdown Posts. Retrieved from
BibTeX citation
@misc{dyer2021moving, author = {Dyer, Rodney}, title = {The Dyer Laboratory: Moving Old Markdown Posts}, url = {}, year = {2021} }