Programmatic Assessment & Alignment

Administravia facilitates both direct and and indirect assessment techniques. Direct assessment is typically derived from some measure of either individual or aggregate student performance as determined by the instructor/professor overseeing the content delivery. Indirect assessments are based upon the having the participant provide feedback based upon their perceptions of course, instructor, content, or other learning components. Both direct and indirect assessments are quantified each time a particular course section is offered.

An example of an indirect assessment question regarding the perception of the topic given the instructors classroom sessions. This is a Likert Score rating (e.g., categorical 1- being low and 5-being high) as averaged across calendar years.

Administravia also uses machine learning and Natural Language Processing tools to derive overall course sentiment scores based upon the written review content for each session. Here, each students written free response summary of the course is converted into a linguistic sentiment score, bound on the range -1.0 … +1.0 (negative - neutral - positive) and then averaged across years. This captures a qualitative temporal measure regarding how written student feedback.

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