Multilevel Reporting

Unit-Level Metrics

Each academic unit can be evaluated for the programmatic and faculty output each reporting cycle. Reporting information may include:

  • Annual student contact hours generation for core and elective courses in all programs supported.
  • Core and Elective DWF rankings and trends.

Program-Level Metrics

For individual academic programs, annual reporting may take on several forms, summarizing trends in direct and indirect assessment as well as performance metrics such as core class seats filled.

Or qualitative feedback from exit interviews, end-of-term course evaluations, internship/independent study assessments, or any other method where student written feedback is provided. These are processed using machine learning to produce natural language sentiment scores and can be evaluated for temporal trends.

As individual courses are mapped onto Program Learning Outcomes, the programs performance in providing the set of skills, knowledge, and experiences that directly align with the Introduction, Reinforcement, or Final Assessment related to each Program Learning Outcome can be assayed.

Here is an example of an indirect assessment of the courses that map onto the BS in Environmental Studies Program Learning Outcome:

Social Sciences: Recall and transfer fundamental social science concepts (policy, economics, politics) to the conservation and management of natural resources.

Since 2014, the unit has been asking the same question and recorded every students response on a Likert Scale (1 to 5, low to high). The score for each course that maps onto this Program Learning Objective is show below and you can see the new courses taht have been added to the CORE curriculum and how they track over time.

We can similarly derive qualitative assessments directly from the student written feedback using machine learning and natural language processing to estimate a course sentiment index.

Annual Facutly Reports

Faculty annual reporting varies widely across groups. However, relative to teaching output, courses offered, and individual feedback from students on the quality of the learning environment being produced, Administravia can collate these data to aid in annual faculty reporting.

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